最近在準備找工作,想藉鐵人賽的經驗整理一下自己對資訊領域的認識、上網路課程的筆記,或是面試用幾個小玩具的開發過程。因為我想準備的是網頁應用“全端” GIS 工程師的職位,因為每個人對全端的定義、了解程度不同,所以基本上... 我就是想到什麼就寫什麼,讀者群則是只有我(毆)。
最近當我有這類需求,第一個想到的是上網。Google 搜尋關鍵字、找相關資訊以利決策。過程不外如下:
然而除了吃的,生活上、工作上幾乎所有解答都能在 Google 找到。而這三十天的系列文就是要試著瞭解這需求的到解決方案背後的技術原理。
不知道大家有沒有在電腦教室老師上課時候在底下透過區域網路(LAN)玩遊戲的經驗?這個過程中背後的名詞可能有以太網路(有線網路)、交換器、IP、伺服器... 等等。
至於網際網路我們可以把它想像成非常多的電腦教室、手機透過有線、無線網路共同連結,透過各國電信業者、海底纜線與其他地區、國家建立連結,分享他們電腦儲存的資料。基本上任何電腦只要接上網際網路,全世界的人都有機會可以存取裡頭的資訊。 而Google就是把很多電腦接上網路,讓大家可以使用他們提供的服務。
Q: 這過程中有相當多的台灣廠商參與其中,你可以列出幾個來嗎?
範例: ASUS - 桌電、筆電、無線路由器
就像我舉的第一個例子,現代人跟網際網路的互動多半源自網路瀏覽器。這個東西顧名思義就是讓你“瀏覽”網際網路裡面有什麼東西,常見的有 Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox 。這個“器”跟我們在玩的遊戲、使用的文字處理器 word/excel 都是執行在作業系統 Windows/MacOSX 的一隻應用程式,只是它主要透過 HTTP 協定來存取檔案。
至於HTTP... 我們留待下期分曉。
Since I am praparing for job interview, I reckon it's good to write down what I know about IT, some notes about taking courses on the Internet and the process of developing some toy apps. I would like to get a position related to Web and GIS. Due to our understanding to IT is so different, I will try to make this series as readable as possible to people like me. Yes, Meeeee.
Let's get started from an everyday simple question:
Everytime when I deal with this question, the first thing would be google some words, get related information, like below:
Besides food/cafe, nearly everything can be found on Internet nowadays by simply "Google it". And this serie of 30 days articles is my try to write down my view of the technical, engineering facts behind this process.
Have you ever tried to play games with your friends in an computer class while the teacher is giving lecture? Under the hood there are Ethernet, switch(not the one from Nintendo), IP, server and etc.
As for Internet, imagine tons of computer classrooms, cellphones connected together via wired, wireless medias to ISP, submarine cables to other countries and share information to each other. Anyone in the world can access any computer connected to the Internet in practice. Google is one of the company which connects many of their computers to the Internet and provide information to others.
Q: Can you list a few Taiwanese companies involved in the Internet?
Example: ASUS, for routers, computers
Browser is the most ubiquitous way to access the Internet like the first example shown above. It's an application similar to any others for text processing, gaming running on your operating system Windows/MacOSX. It specialized in providing you the utilities to access files, medias on the Internet, through a protocol called HTTP.
And HTTP, ... We will leave it for tomorrow.